Bhutan | Choki Traditional Art School, Fontana Foundation

Bhutan | Choki Traditional Art School, Fontana Foundation

Eine Schule zur Förderung traditioneller bhutanischer Kunst

The goal

Vocational perspectives for youth and young adults.

  • Establishment of an arts and crafts school for traditional Bhutanese arts to create learning opportunities for economically disadvantaged children.
  • Development of institutional links within and outside the country for improved exchange of knowledge and skills.

The project

Using craftsmanship for a livable future.

  • In 1999, the Choki Traditional Art School (CTAS) was founded and, so far, is the only school for traditional Bhutanese art. It offers materially disadvantaged young people the opportunity to study traditional art for several years and, in doing so, opens up career prospects.
  • Based on their skills and special interests, students can learn the crafts of woodcarving, embroidery, tailoring and weaving.
  • The school currently provides free tuition, accommodation and meals for 145 learners, who are supervised by 18 staff.

The success

Better future opportunities for entire families.

  • The school is proud of its learners' achievements and their success with traditional Bhutanese art in the job market.
  • Example: Nim Dorji graduated from the school in 2007 as part of the third-year class and specialised in Thanka painting.
  • After seven years of training at the Choki Traditional Art School, he now works in the handicraft business of two former students of the school. With a total of ten employees, they sell art on commission, even to places beyond the country's borders.
  • Thanks to his education, he can pass on the rich Bhutanese history of art and handicrafts and support his parents and siblings as well as his entire village.

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