Uganda | Deseret Community School, Deseret Foundation

Uganda | Deseret Community School, Deseret Foundaiton

Zukunftsperspektive gesichert: Schulgeld für 60 Kinder

The goal

Education for a dignified life.

  • Deseret Foundation e. V. is a non-profit organisation based in Leipzig.
  • The association has set itself the goal of supporting the Deseret Community School in the village of Kyamagwa near Jinja, Uganda, and granting free school attendance to needy children.
  • Disadvantaged children and orphans are thus enabled to live a dignified and decent life and be offered a skilled education in an advantageous social and economic environment.

The project

Fighting lack of opportunities with targeted support.

  • Many children in the Kyamagwa community have become orphans due to poverty, HIV/AIDS, civil wars or natural disasters.
  • Their basic needs are not adequately met, and hunger, poverty, housework and illness make it difficult for the children to attend school. The result: a vicious circle of poverty and lack of opportunities.
  • On the one hand, the support of the Deseret Foundation aims to minimise the massive poverty and improve the children's living conditions – on the other hand, the Sir Peter Ustinov Foundation provides for the education and personal development of 60 children by paying for their annual school fees.

The success

Happy children because of better educational opportunities.

  • Thanks to the support of the Sir Peter Ustinov Foundation, 60 children can attend school completely free of charge for a year.
  • Free access to education provides the children with better educational opportunities, positively influences their development and strengthens their self-confidence.

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Telephone: +49 69 27221740

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