Nicaragua | Kindermalschule Infantilarte, Pan y Arte e.V.

Nicaragua | Kindermalschule Infantilarte, Pan y Arte e.V.

Kultur darf kein Luxus sein

The goal

Educational justice through culture.

  • Pan y Arte ("Bread and Art") was founded in 1994 by the German actor and author Dietmar Schönherr with the mission of improving equal opportunities and educational justice for children in Nicaragua. Nicaragua is one of the poorest countries in Central America.
  • Dietmar Schönherr and his comrade-in-arms Ernesto Cardenal, the Nicaraguan theologian and poet, agreed: art and culture are not a luxury but are urgent human needs like daily bread.
  • For more than 25 years, Pan y Arte has safeguarded the work of the cultural centre "Casa de los Tres Mundos" House of the Three Worlds, which is also home to the painting school "Infantilarte".

The project

Discovering talents, promoting talents.

  • The children's painting school is a place to meet that supports artistic and visual culture activities for children from all social classes who either already have an artistic talent or want to discover it.
  • The Children's Painting School at Casa de los Tres Mundos is open to children aged 6 to 13 and offers them two-month courses in drawing, painting, engraving, handicrafts and sculpture design using papier-mâché.
  • Künstlerische Frühentwickung mittels spielerischen Umgangs mit Farben und Formen motiviert die Kinder ihre eigene Kreativität zu entwickeln.
  • In fröhlicher Atmosphäre werden die Kinder viermal pro Woche in 1 1/2-stündigem Unterricht herangeführt an Themen aus dem täglichen Leben. Dabei stehen auf dem Lehrplan die Auseinandersetzung mit Umwelt und Klimaschutz, sozialen Missständen und Bräuchen und Tradition.

The success

Art and culture for all children.

  • The painting school makes an important contribution to cultural life in the community of Granada because art is not part of the regular state curriculum.
  • Together with the Sir Peter Ustinov Foundation, Pan y Arte e. V. ensures that the children's painting school at the Casa de los Tres Mundos in Granada remains an open centre for the preservation and promotion of art and culture for all children, regardless of their origin.

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