Südafrika | Mzamomhle Oxton Kindergarten, Samara Foundation

Südafrika | Mzamomhle Oxton Kindergarten, Samara Foundation

In jedem Samen liegt die Zukunft: ein Kindergarten für Chancengleichheit

The goal

To help children blossom.

  • "Every Seed holds a Future" – that‘s the motto of the Samara Foundation, which has been supporting the Mzamomble Kindergarten in the village of Oxton in South Africa's Easter Cape since 2021.
  • True to the motto, the children of the region are also encouraged to flourish through better educational opportunities.
  • By improving the kindergarten's equipment and, above all, providing further training for dedicated educators, the children's educational opportunities will be increased.

The project

Sustainable support for strong personalities.

  • The Sir Peter Ustinov Foundation's project partner, the South African Samara Foundation, supports this place of learning and play, which the parents set up following the initiative of a local educator.
  • The women who run the kindergarten care deeply about the children, but until now, they have had few opportunities for further education on the topics of early childhood development and support.
  • Thanks to sustainable support through books, learning materials and educational training of the kindergarten teachers, the children experience good support that strengthens them in their development.
  • Samara supports the kindergarten with state registration (Department of Social Development). This makes it easier to apply for further government funding and ensures the kindergarten's long-term existence.

The success

A good basis as a start for long-term support.

  • With the support of the Sir Peter Ustinov Foundation, the Samara Foundation was able to expand the kindergarten's equipment: tables, chairs, mattresses and toys were purchased.
  • Soon, the infrastructure will be further improved, and the playground will be expanded with a slide and climbing and play equipment. Thanks to the help of our donors, the infrastructure was further improved in July 2022 and the playground was expanded with a slide and climbing and play equipment.
  • The further training of the teachers strengthens their self-confidence, increases their recognition by the parents and motivates them to become active and make changes themselves.

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